Redmond, Wash -- Jan 15, 1992 -- Microsoft Corporation today announced Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2, a major enhancement of its intelligent network database server, and a family of related products to support distributed client-server computing for users of the Microsoft Windows, MS-DOS, OS/2 and other operating system platforms. In addition, through a new Microsoft product -- Microsoft SQL Bridge -- UNIX, Macintosh and VMS clients can access Microsoft SQL Server for the first time. Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2 otters sweeping new capabilities, including enhanced data management, integrated Windows-based server administration, scrollable cursors, distributed data access, fault tolerance, and a built-in facility for integrating with external structured and unstructured data. The new Microsoft SQL Server 4.2 family runs across all leading networks including Microsoft LAN Manager, Novell NetWare, IBM LAN Server and Banyan VINES. In addition, the family of products interoperates with remote host systems including MVS, VM, UNIX and VMS. The combination of Windows-based server administration, cursor support and enhanced distributed database capabilities, expanded connectivity and integration services and the wide availability of applications makes SQL Server particularly attractive to corporations choosing Windows as a desktop platform for enterprise networks. "With Microsoft SQL Server 4.2, we are bringing Windows and client-server computing together in a very powerful fashion," said Steve Ballmer, Microsoft senior vice president, systems software. "SQL Server's new connectivity and data integration services greatly expand SQL Server's role in integrating and delivering corporate information to users of Microsoft Windows." Microsoft SQL Server's new connectivity products and services have also expanded the range of client platforms and applications that can seamlessly share data with the product. "With more than 125 applications now available for Microsoft SQL Server, customers have the widest range of choices for implementing client-server computing solutions," said Dwayne Walker, director of marketing and business development, corporate and network systems at Microsoft. New distributed database capabilities in Microsoft SQL Server 4.2 allow customers to run multiple server applications with active data sharing between SQL Servers or between SQL Server gateways. DB2, ORACLE, INGRES, online services, mail systems, etc. When used in conjunction with the new open data integration services now included with Microsoft SQL Server 4.2, these facilities extend SQL Server access to literally any data source. "With these advances, SQL Server plays an even greater role in assisting customers in leveraging their existing investments while at the same time allowing them to move forward in implementing new client-server solutions," added Walker. Microsoft also announced with Microsoft SQL Server 4.2 a family of related products for client-server application development, network connectivity and gateway access: * Microsoft SQL Server Programmer's Toolkits. Toolkits for the Visual Basic programming system, C and COBOL allow developers to quickly and easily build graphical client-server applications. * Microsoft SQL Bridge. SQL Bridge seamlessly connects Microsoft SQL Server and SYBASE SQL Server environments without requiring common network protocols, and gives UNIX, VMS and Macintosh clients access to Microsoft SQL Server. * SQL Solutions Gateway Link. Gateway Link from SQL Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Sybase, Inc., gives Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Server applications access to all major minicomputer databases including ORACLE, INGRES, INFORMIX, and VAX RMS. Microsoft SQL Server 4.2 includes all core features found in Sybase, Inc. versions of SQL Server tor UNIX and VMS platforms. The change in version numbering is consistent with SYBASE and represents the commitment by Microsoft and Sybase to deliver the same features in all versions of SQL Server. "With this new release of SQL Server Microsoft and Sybase are delivering the most advanced database management solution available for PC networks," said Robert Epstein, executive vice president, Sybase. Inc. "In the future, we will continue to work together to help ensure that customers have access to the latest client-server computing technology on all important platforms." State-of-the-Art Intelligent Data Management Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2 brings a broad array of new capabilities: ù Enhanced intelligent data management with database device mirroring for fault tolerance, cascading triggers, online dynamic tape backup, placement of tables on specific devices and increases in overall system capacity. ù Windows-based server administration through Microsoft SQL Administrator tor Windows a new management tool included with SQL Server 4.2; also available separately. This tool allows system administrators to quickly and easily configure, tune and back up SQL Server systems. ù Scrollable database cursors optimize user interaction with the database from client applications -- ideal tor developing graphical applications for Windows. ù Distributed data management facilities through server-to-server remote stored procedure calls. ù Built-in external data and information integration facilities through Open Data Services, a toolkit for integrating clients and servers with corporate data sources and information systems. ù Hardware-independent version of OS/2, included in the Microsoft SQL Server 4.2 box and optimized for network servers. Integrated Windows Management Tool Eases Administration of Multiple Servers Administration of SQL Server installations is simplified by a new management tool called Microsoft SQL Administrator for Windows which is integrated into version 4.2. System administrators can quickly and easily configure, tune and back up SQL Server systems from this single, integrated Windows-based front end. SQL Administrator for Windows supports administration of multiple servers and complies with the latest user-interface features in Windows including multiple document windows, icon toolbar and online help. SQL Administrator for Windows also includes a new server monitoring facility that enables administrators to schedule timed database and log backups, and to catalog server statistics in a history file at periodic intervals. SQL Administrator for Windows is compatible with network dial-in facilities such as the new Microsoft LAN Manager Remote Access Service, allowing administration of distributed, remote SQL Server installations, such as branch offices. Flexible Cursor Support Simplifies Application Development for Windows Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2 supports new Microsoft scrollable, updateable cursors for client applications. Providing a new way to manipulate row-level data, cursors greatly simplify development of data browsing applications for graphical environments such as Microsoft Windows. "Cursor support in SQL Server was the top request from our lSVs," said Gary Voth, SQL Server product manager at Microsoft. "Cursors are well-suited to the users interface techniques employed by developers of applications for Windows. Using cursors, you can populate a list box with row-level data, and scroll backward or forward in response to mouse input. This is hard to do with most SQL-based systems." Microsoft SQL Server's cursors are very flexible, offering forward and backward scrolling, indexing to specific rows, flexible concurrency control and a powerful positioned update and delete. Cursor API extensions are provided in the new Microsoft SQL Server Programmer's Toolkits for C and Visual Basic. Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2 also supports cursors in the recently announced Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) API. Open Data Services Extends SQL Server Data Integration and Connectivity SQL Server's connectivity with existing information systems is extensible using Open Data Services, a new SQL Server toolkit for building powerful client-server integration with external application systems and data sources. Open Data Services enables corporate developers to develop CUSTOM event-driven server applications that extend SQL Server access to literally any data source, including host information systems, messaging systems and satellite information services. Starter Open Data Services applications provided with Microsoft SQL Server 4.2 add enhancements to SQL Server such as event alerters and CUSTOM auditing and security. A key ingredient tor the new data integration capability is the remote stored procedures feature in Microsoft SQL Server 4.2. Using remote stored procedures, one server can remotely invoke procedures on another server or in an Open Data Services application in a manner that is transparent to client applications. Open Data Services allow user-written processes to be "triggered" by remote stored procedure calls from SQL Server. "Open Data Services allow users to create very sophisticated SQL Server solutions," explained Voth. "For example, suppose you need to issue a parts reorder when the inventory quantity -- data in a SQL Server table -- drops below a certain threshold. When that happens, SQL Server can call a remote Open Data Services application to run a reorder transaction on an IBM mainframe. The Open Data Services application returns the data from the host to the client as if it were coming directly from SQL Server, integrating with the existing IBM information system in a very powerful manner." Microsoft Open Data Services can also be used by ISVs to develop general purpose gateways that support both DB-Library and ODBC clients. Examples of network gateways developed using Open Data Services include Micro Decisionware's Database Gateway, which links PC clients to DB2 and Teradata sources; and Gateway Link from SQL Solutions, Inc. which integrates networked PCs with corporate data on VMS- and UNIX-based platforms. Hardware-Independent OS/2 Now Included In a move to provide "out-of-the-box" support for a wide variety of network systems and server hardware, Microsoft SQL Server 4.2 includes a version of the OS/2 operating system which has been optimized tor use on network server platforms such as those with large SCSI storage, subsystems, intelligent drive arrays and fault-tolerant subsystems. "Microsoft has worked with a large number of hardware vendors to help ensure reliability and compatibility across a wide range of platforms," said Walker. "We included this version of OS/2 in the LAN Manager box t-or the same strategic reason: To provide our customers a reliable source tor an operating system that is compatible with their network hardware." A dedicated database server provides very high performance without impacting file server operations, but it has generally meant purchasing another operating system license. SQL Server and LAN Manager Working Together SQL Server version 4.2 takes advantage of the popular connectivity enhancements available with LAN Manager 2.1. For example, SQL Server uses LAN Manager's new TCP/IP services to run on large networks, and through a combination of LAN Manager's TCP/IP services and Microsoft's SQL Bridge, provides greater interoperability with UNIX. Through LAN Manager's new Remote Access Service, system administrators can manage SQL Servers across distributed environments including satellite offices, and remote users can dial in and make full use of Microsoft SQL Server databases while running popular Windows-based applications such as Microsoft Excel. In addition, for customers requiring coexistence with Novell networks, LAN Manager and SQL Server together provide complete client and server connectivity to NetWare -- with NetWare clients able to access SQL Servers running on either LAN Manager or NetWare networks. Microsoft SQL Server Version 4.2 Pricing, Availability and System Requirements Microsoft SQL Server 4.2 and related products are scheduled to be available in the first quarter of 1992, in the following configurations and U.S. suggested retail prices (these prices are valid only in the U.S.): ù Developer's System, $1,495 . Ten-user System, $2,995 ù Unlimited User System, $7,995 ù Unlimited User Add Pack. $5,495 (converts a 10-user system to an unlimited-user) ù Microsoft Open Data Services Standalone License Pak, $2,395 ù Microsoft SQL Bridge, $2,495 ù SQL Administrator for Windows, $495 ù SQL Server Programmer's Toolkits, $495 each for Visual Basic, C and COBOL Existing customers will be able to upgrade lo SQL Server 4.2 upon product shipment. Prices are $595 for a 10 User System, and $1,595 for an Unlimited User System. Upgrades will include SQL Server 4.2, SQL Administrator for Windows, and Open Data Services. Customers who purchase SQL Server 1.11 between now and product shipment will receive free upgrades to the new version 4.2. In addition, they will qualify for the following special offers: 10 User: Free Programmer's Toolkit of choice (Total value including upgrade: $1,090) Unlimited: Free Programmer's Toolkit of choice, SQL Administrator for Windows, plus a copy of Microsoft Visual Basic (Total value with upgrade: $2,780) Microsoft SQL Server 4.2 includes: ù A version of OS/2 that has been optimized for use on network server platforms. Including OS/2 enables customers to install dedicated database servers for very high performance, without having to purchase an additional operating system license. ù A single-station copy of SQL Administrator for Windows. Copies may also be obtained for use by additional administrators or with previous versions of Microsoft SQL Server. SQL Administrator for Windows also runs on OS/2 systems. ù Open Data Ser-ices. This toolkit, included in the product, integrates clients and servers with corporate data sources and information systems. ù A set of working sample Open Data Services applications. These are provided in both source and executable code, tor customers to use and modify as desired. Included are applications that perform automatic event alerting, triggering of external processes, integration with Microsoft LAN Manager security, and client request auditing. Both source and executable formats are provided, so that customers can add new functions to the starter applications. Along with the release of Microsoft SQL Server 4.2 in the U.S., Microsoft France and Microsoft Germany plan to release French and German versions of the product at the beginning of the second quarter of 1992. By providing French and German versions of SQL Server for the first time, Microsoft is demonstrating its commitment to provide local versions of all Microsoft products where customers demand it. Detailed pricing and ordering information for Microsoft SQL Server 4.2 can be obtained from the appropriate Microsoft subsidiaries or international sales offices. Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2 requires a personal computer with an Intel 80286 or higher processor (80386 or higher is recommended), OS/2 operating system version 1.21 or later, 8 MB of memory and 20 MB of available disk space. Client software runs on MS-DOS version 3.2 or later; Windows version 3.0 or later; or OS/2 version 1.1 or later. SQL Server 4.2 supports standard network systems including Microsoft LAN Manager, Novell NetWare, Banyan VINES and IBM LAN Server. -------------------------------------------------------- REDMOND, Wash. -- Jan. 15, 1992 -- To further strengthen its commitment to provide distributed client-server computing. Microsoft Corporation today announced Microsoft SQL Bridge, a two-way network gateway that seamlessly connects Microsoft SQL Server and SYSBASE SQL Server environments. allowing clients and servers to communicate across different networks. SQL Bridge integrates SYBASE SQL Server environments with PC-based SQL Server environments. resulting in interoperability among applications and databases that is independent of operating systems. network transports or protocols. SQL Bridge is based on the same high-performance multithreaded architecture as found in the new Microsoft Open Data Services. "With Microsoft SQL Bridge, we're giving our customers complete data and application integration across SQL Server environments spanning the MS-DOS, Windows, UNIX, Macintosh and VMS operating system platforms," said Dwayne Walker, Microsoft's director of marketing and business development, corporate and network systems. SQL Bridge extends the reach of Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2 across corporate environments and delivers the following benefits. ù SQL Bridge extends the client platforms supported by Microsoft SQL Server to include UNIX, VMS and Macintosh clients using applications written to SYBASE Open Client. . SQL Bridge simplifies connecting PC LAN clients to SYBASE databases. . SQL Bridge enables Microsoft SQL Server and SYBASE SQL Server to exchange information using remote stored procedure calls, giving clients transparent access to data across different networks and platforms. . SQL Bridge allows corporate developers to "rightsize" applications -- configuring for SYBASE or PC SQL Servers, with the ability to easily migrate applications as future needs dictate. Extending SQL Server to Support UNIX, VMS and Macintosh Clients Microsoft SQL Bridge connects SYBASE TCP/IP and DECnet clients to Microsoft SQL Server. This means that in addition to supporting Windows-, MS-DOS- and OS/2-based clients, Microsoft SQL Server now for the first time supports UNIX, VMS and Macintosh clients, using the SYBASE Open Client interface on those platforms. Increasingly, corporate computing environments require the ability to support a variety of client platforms. By supporting all major desktop platforms and integrating mixed computing resources into a single SQL Server network. Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Bridge are key participants in enterprise-wide computing. Connecting PC LAN Clients to Minicomputer Databases SQL Bridge allows LAN-connected Windows-, MS-DOS- and OS/2-based workstations to access UNIX and VMS SQL Servers while using the same named pipes Net-Library and LAN protocols they use to talk to Microsoft SQL Server on any supported LAN. The SQL Bridge server handles the job of converting to UNIX or VMS network protocols. "Rightsizing" Applications for Minicomputer or PC Systems By confining the cost and complexity of multiple-network support to a gateway server shared by many clients, and supporting transparent access to data across different platforms, SQL Bridge gives corporate developers the ability to rightsize applications to the appropriate computing resource. Developers can configure a production application for a minicomputer or PC SQL Server, depending on the size and scope of the application -- with the assurance that all or part of the application can be migrated easily to a different platform as corporate needs change, without changing users configurations or modifying client applications. Developers of multiple applications can "mix and match" platforms based on the best fit for each application. rather than being restricted to a single environment for the entire set of production applications. System Requirements, Pricing and Availability Microsoft SQL Bridge requires an Intel-based computer using an 80286 or higher processor; OS/2 operating system version 1.1 or later; a minimum of 6 MB of memory; 1 MB of free disk space; and a high-density floppy disk drive. SQL Bridge can reside on the same platform as the SQL Server, or on a separate system. For the connection to PC workstations on the LAN, SQL Bridge supports Microsoft LAN Manager or any other system compatible with OS/2 and named pipes. such as Novell NetWare, Banyan VINES or IBM LAN Server. To connect to SYBASE servers, SQL Bridge uses the LAN Manager TCP/IP protocol for OS/2 (included in Microsoft LAN Manager version 2.1 OS/2-based workstation software) or DEC pathworks for OS/2 version 1.1 or later. SQL Bridge supports Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2, and SYBASE SQL Server version 4.0 or later on UNIX and VMS systems. The U.S. suggested retail price for SQL Bridge is $2,495, and it will be available in the second quarter of 1992 through Microsoft and selected resellers. -------------------------------------------------------- REDMOND, Wash. -- Jan. 15, 1992 -- Microsoft Corporation today announced a family of Programmer's Toolkits tor developing client-server applications for its new version 4.2 of Microsoft SQL Server. The Toolkits are: ù Microsoft SQL Server Programmer's Toolkit for Visual Basic ù Microsoft SQL Server Programmer's Toolkit tor C ù Microsoft SQL Server Programmer's Toolkit for COBOL By offering the family of Toolkits, Microsoft gives developers a selection of the most popular and familiar programing languages. The Toolkits enable developers to build robust business applications that access shared data in SQL Server. "Our new SQL Server Toolkits give developers both power and flexibility to build distributed graphical client-server business applications using the Visual Basic programming system or C," said Dwayne Walker, Microsoft's director of marketing and business development, corporate and network systems. "At the same time, our SQL Server Programmer's Toolkit for COBOL allows corporations to leverage their experience in COBOL. while moving into the world of client-server computing." The Programmer's Toolkits are enhanced to support advanced Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2 features, including support for database cursors, international language character sets, and remote stored procedure calls for distributed database capability. The Toolkits are available individually through the retail channel for the first time. The previous version of the COBOL Toolkit was called Microsoft Embedded SQL for COBOL. Programmer's Toolkit for Visual Basic Provides the Easiest Method for Developing Distributed Client-Server Applications for Windows The Programmer's Toolkit for Visual Basic is ideal for quickly and easily building distributed graphical client-server applications based on the Windows operating system and SQL Server. The Toolkit tor Visual Basic includes the new scrollable cursor support shipping with Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2, and provides access to the same data sources as the Toolkit for C. The SQL Server Programmer's Toolkit for Visual Basic provides a set of libraries that allow programmers using Visual Basic to easily read and update shared data in SQL Server. The Toolkit allows developers to build applications that have almost all the functionality and performance of client applications written in C, but at a fraction of the effort. The Toolkit also includes libraries for Basic programmers to develop character-based applications for the MS-DOS or OS/2 operating systems. Programmer's Toolkit for C Gives Developers Power and Flexibility The Programmer's Toolkit for C is a flexible development environment, ideally suited for high-end corporate and commercial-grade applications. The Toolkit for C can be used in conjunction with the new Microsoft QuickC graphical development environment for Windows, and the Microsoft C Professional Development System. The Toolkit for C includes a set of development libraries that allow C language programmers to develop client applications for SQL Server environments. The Toolkit for C provides a common programming environment for Windows-, MS-DOS- and OS/2-based application development, through the enhanced version of the open call-level interface for SQL Server. The API is the same for all three operating systems, allowing developers to easily produce applications for one or more environments without having to learn a different API for each operating system. The new scrollable cursor support greatly enhances application development for Windows by allowing both forward and backward scrolling through the database, as well as querying and updating of SQL Server data through a single database connection, with a range of concurrency and locking options. In addition to providing a common API for application development for Windows, MS-DOS and OS/2, the Toolkit for C provides a common API to access enterprise data. Applications developed using the Toolkit can access data from Microsoft SQL Server; remote non-SQL data sources via Microsoft Open Data Services; SYBASE SQL Server running UNIX or VMS; or a SQL-compatible gateway such as Micro Decisionware Database Gateway or SQL Solutions Gateway Services". In addition, applications developed using the Toolkit will be compatible with the future version of SQL Server based on the Microsoft Windows NT operating system. Programmer's Toolkit for COBOL Simplifies Downsizing Applications The SQL Server Programmer's Toolkit tor COBOL is a set of development and run-time libraries that let COBOL programmers develop MS-DOS- and OS/2-based client-server applications for SQL Server using a standard embedded-SQL development interface. The Toolkit is flexible and powerful, taking advantage of remote stored procedures and other advanced Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2 features. Support for ANSI-style cursors allows row-at-a-time result set processing. with positioned updates and deletes of information in the database with full locking and concurrency control. The libraries included in the Toolkit are compatible with IBM SQL Precompiler Architecture, enabling developers to use popular and familiar COBOL compilers such as those from Microsoft and Micro Focus. The programmer embeds SQL statements directly in the COBOL source code, and the statements are subsequently translated into the appropriate SQL Server calls. In this way, the Toolkit makes it easy for COBOL developers to downsize existing corporate mainframe and minicomputer applications using familiar tools. Pricing, Availability and System Requirements The three Programmer's Toolkits are available individually for a U.S. suggested retail price of $495 per Toolkit. The Toolkits are available immediately through Microsoft Network Specialist resellers in the United States: (800) 227-4679. Each Toolkit is licensed to a single developer: additional developers must acquire their own copies of the Toolkits. However, applications developed with the Toolkits can be distributed on a royalty-free basis. The Microsoft SQL Server Programmer's Toolkit for C supports MS-DOS operating system version 3.3 or later, Microsoft Windows operating system version 3.0 or later, and OS/2 operating system version 1.1 or later, for both the development environment and the target application environment. The Programmer's Toolkit for Visual Basic supports Microsoft Windows operating system version 3.0 or later for both the development and application environment. The Programmer's Toolkit for COBOL supports application execution in the MS-DOS 3.2 or later or OS/2 operating system version 1.21 or later. -------------------------------------------------------- REDMOND, Wash. -- Jan. 15, 1992 -- In recognition that in the client-server computing marketplace support services are as important as technology, Microsoft is expanding its support service offering. Microsoft will now offer a Microsoft SQL Server expertise certification program extended consulting and training services and improved product support services. Microsoft SQL Server Certified Professional Program "By extending our support service offering in the areas of certification, training and product support, we're walking hand in hand into client-server computing with our customers," said Dwayne Walker, Microsoft's director of marketing and business development, corporate and network systems. "These support programs provide a framework for customers to obtain personalized support services when prototyping, developing and deploying distributed client-server applications using a variety of enduser and developer tools for the Windows operating system." The Microsoft SQL Server Certified Professional Program is designed for information systems professionals to attain certification, enabling them to provide comprehensive, up-to-date technical information for designing, developing and administering applications based on Microsoft SQL Server. To achieve SQL Server certification, applicants must pass a series of stringent tests on the Windows and MS-DOS operating systems as well as a test on SQL Server. Once certified, an individual qualifies as an expert in this field. "The increased importance of client-server computing will motivate people to seek this certification," said Sandra Jacobson, manager, Microsoft Certified Professional Program. "People generally seek out high-level experts to provide high-level advice. Once certified, professionals will provide to their customers the best possible advice with regard to client-server computing." The qualifying tests were developed by Microsoft and are administered by Drake Training and Technologies, an established independent organization that specializes in the electronic delivery and administration of tests. The tests take about one hour, with candidates given the results immediately after completion. Test results are broken down by section and topic, to inform candidates about their strengths and weaknesses. Certification tests are scheduled to begin in February 1992, and will cost $100 per test. For more information, contact Microsoft Inside Sales -- Systems Software at (800) 227-4679. To register tor an exam, contact Drake Training and Technologies, (800) 755-3926. Education and Consulting Services Microsoft Consulting Services (MCS) and Microsoft University (MSU) together help customers understand the latest in client-server computing and how to apply this architecture within their existing environments. Both services offer expertise in Windows as well as integrating Windows with the enterprise using the enhanced features of Microsoft SQL Server 4.2. Microsoft Consulting Services offers strategic services that are tailored to individual client needs: Evaluation and planning, systems design, development and implementation support. This service is staffed by senior consultants in the information technology field, and provides access to in-house development tools and expertise. In addition, MCS has access to Microsoft research and development resources for the performance testing of customized applications. Microsoft University (MSU) designs and delivers technical training courses and management education seminars in 10 locations in North America. MSU offers a full SQL Server curriculum designed to provide skills-based, hands-on training for support engineers, system administrators and network integrators. All SQL Server courses have been updated in conjunction with the launch of SQL Server 4.2, providing attendees with the practical in-depth knowledge necessary to quickly apply the enhanced features and functions found in version 4.2. MSU provides a unique learning environment where all courses are taught by qualified instructors who blend their real-world experiences with classroom instructional expertise, resulting in training that provides the relevant/practical knowledge needed in today's business environment. For more information about MCS call (415) 905-0235 in the Western U.S.; (617) 487-6502 in the eastern U.S. and Canada. For more information on MSU, including customized courses and information on how to become an authorized Microsoft University Training Alliance member, call (206) 828-1507. Microsoft Product Support Services Microsoft's product support services organization (PSS) offers a range of free and fee-based support for SQL Server to meet a variety of user needs. Each SQL Server product receives 30 days of free' support for installation issues, after which time customers must purchase services on an annual basis. Premier Support is Microsoft's highest level of technical support for accounts desiring a direct support relationship with Microsoft. Designed primarily for very large accounts seeking individualized technical consultation on Microsoft's networking products, Premier Support provides one-on-one support from Microsoft's most senior technical engineers. An engineer is designated for each account and unlimited phone and electronic support is available. Professional Support is designed primarily for large accounts seeking priority technical assistance on Microsoft's networking products. Unlimited phone and electronic support is available from Microsoft senior technical engineers. The Premier program costs $15,000 annually, while the Professional program is $5,000 per year. For more information on Microsoft product support services, call Inside Sales -- Systems Software at (800) 227-4679. Other programs available to assist in the development of SQL Server Solutions ù The SQL Solutions Partners Program, which delivers complete client-server network solutions to customers via Microsoft Network Specialist resellers. ù The SQL Business Partner Program, tor select database vendors selling SQL Server in conjunction with their own products. ù The Strategic Integrator Program, a joint venture between Microsoft and large system integrators to develop complex information systems. -------------------------------------------------------- REDMOND, Wash. -- Jan. 15, 1992 -- Microsoft Corporation and SQL Solutions, Inc.. a subsidiary of Sybase. Inc.. today announced the addition of Gateway Link to the SQL Solutions Gateway Services line of minicomputer gateways. Developed by SQL Solutions of Burlington. Mass., in cooperation with Microsoft, Gateway Link integrates networked PCs with corporate data on VMS and UNIX-based minicomputers. The Gateway Services product family now allows Microsoft SQL Server and SYBASE SQL Server front-end applications to access all major minicomputer databases, including ORACLE, INGRES, INFORMIX and VAX RMS. "Gateway Link is an excellent solution for integrating heterogeneous data environments that include Microsoft SQL Server and ORACLE, INGRES, and other minicomputer databases," said Dwayne Walker, director of marketing and business development, corporate and network systems at Microsoft. "Corporate customers can protect their investments in legacy applications and data, while SQL Server network databases deploy new business applications on the Windows-based desktop." "With our Gateway Services line, corporations can standardize on Microsoft SQL Server without sacrificing access to data and applications on other platforms," said Dan Cronin, vice president of marketing for SQL Solutions. "Users can freely choose from a wide range of Windows-based tools supporting SQL Server, knowing they can work with data sources throughout the enterprise." Gateway Link is built on Microsoft Open Data Services, the data integration toolkit included with Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2. and takes advantage of Open Data Services' advanced multithreaded architecture for high-performance access from PC clients to minicomputer data sources. Gateway Link is the newest in a growing series of gateways designed for Microsoft SQL Server environments, including Database Gateway from Micro Decisionware, which links PC clients to DB2 and Teradata data sources; and Microsoft SQL Bridge, which provides two-way interoperability between Microsoft and SYBASE SQL Server databases. Leading independent software vendors are now developing frontend products to support the Gateway Services product line. including DataEase International, Matesys and Revelation Technologies. "Database gateways give client applications high-performance connections to corporate data on mainframe and minicomputer databases. without the problems and costs of running multiple networks on each client workstation," said Walker. "The gateway architecture is ideal for companies that want to take maximum advantage of PC software and hardware, while maintaining their current information systems investments." PC LAN Clients Gain Access to Key Minicomputer Databases Gateway Link connects Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Server client applications to host-based components in the Gateway Services line, which provide back-end connectivity to individual database management systems. Together, Gateway Link and Gateway Services bring the following benefits: ù SQL Server client applications now have transparent access to a wide range of minicomputer database management systems. ù The Gateway Services line provides full support for the Transact-SQL language, giving developers a common set of server features including stored procedures and business rules for accessing a wide range of data sources. ù Gateway Link allows clients to run a single LAN protocol and still connect to a range of minicomputer data sources. Availability, Pricing and System Requirements Gateway Link and Gateway Services are available from SQL Solutions and its authorized distributors. The U.S. suggested retail price tor Gateway Link is $3,000. Suggested retail prices for Gateway Services range from 515,640 to $100,000 depending on the hardware platform and number of users. For exact pricing and configuration information, call SQL Solutions, Inc.. at (800) 933-0044. Gateway Link requires a workstation running OS/2 version 1.1 or later. Also required is a LAN operating system supporting OS/2 and named pipes, such as Microsoft LAN Manager, Novell NetWare or Banyan VINES. SQL Solutions is the leading SQL systems integrator specializing in services and products for all major hardware and RDBMS platforms. SQL Solutions adheres to the discipline of RISE -- Relationally Integrated Software Engineering -- which is the combination of methods, tools and techniques for planning, designing, constructing and maintaining RDBMS-based applications. Headquartered in Burlington. Mass., SQL Solutions has more than 230 employees worldwide in 15 North American offices, subsidiaries in Canada, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The company is an independent subsidiary of Sybase, Inc. (NASDAQ: SYBS). -------------------------------------------------------- REDMOND, Wash. -- Jan. 15, 1992 -- Microsoft Corporation today announced Microsoft SQL Administrator for Windows, a new front-end management tool based on the Microsoft Windows operating system and integrated into Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2. SQL Administrator for Windows allows system administrators to manage multiple Microsoft SQL Server systems across all corporate sites, including remote branch offices, from a single Windows-based workstation. SQL Administrator for Windows is highly optimized for Windows, and provides easy and effective graphical ways to perform routine as well as advanced administration tasks. "Providing enterprise-wide administration of Microsoft SQL Server databases from a single Windows-based front end is a key step toward our goal of integrating the Windows system with Microsoft client-server computing," said Dwayne Walker, director of marketing and business development, corporate and network systems at Microsoft. SQL Administrator for Windows supports administering multiple SQL Server systems simultaneously, and is fully compatible with Microsoft SQL Server Remote Access Service, the popular new facility that allows offsite PC users to dial in over standard telephone lines and take full advantage of all SQL Server services using front-end applications for Windows. This means system administrators at a central site can dial in to their branch office networks and then manage all SQL Server systems and databases using SQL Administrator for Windows, just as easily as if the remote servers were stationed next to them at a central site. All management and administration services can be provided to branch offices from a single workstation at headquarters -- including setting up, modifying and updating databases; checking database consistency; solving problems and recovering transactions; and general configuration management. "SQL Administrator for Windows allows database administrators at headquarters to apply their expertise directly to servers located in remote offices, eliminating the expense of stationing a database administrator at every branch office," explained Gary Voth, product manager for SQL Server at Microsoft. "Knowing that remote databases can be managed from a central site will give customers the confidence to deploy complex client-server applications across multiple sites." SQL Administrator for Windows makes extensive use of system capabilities in Windows, including multiple windows, icons and online Help, to ease virtually every task the system administrator needs to perform. In addition to supporting simultaneous administration of multiple servers including remote servers using LAN Manager network dial-in facilities, SQL Administrator for Windows allows system administrators to maintain a schedule for automatic backups of databases and transaction logs, and to log server statistics at scheduled intervals. Pricing and Availability A single-station copy of SQL Administrator for Windows is included with Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2. Copies may be obtained for use by additional administrators or with previous versions of SQL Server for the suggested retail price of $495 per copy. SQL Administrator for Windows runs under the Windows version 3.0 operating system and also on the OS/2 operating system using the Microsoft Windows Library for OS/2. -------------------------------------------------------- REDMOND, Wash. -- Jan. 15, 1992 -- Microsoft Corporation today announced that the first independent OS/2 versus NetWare database benchmark resulted in a strong endorsement of Microsoft SQL Server. The report stated, "Microsoft SQL Server represents the unrivaled choice for networks other than Novell NetWare, and it also represents a good choice with NetWare as well." The "SQL Server for LAN Tests" competition was conducted by the National Software Testing Laboratories (NSTL) under the auspices of the Software Digest Ratings Report (Volume 8.15, SQL Servers). Microsoft SQL Server was ranked first overall compared to other products, and achieved an overall score of 7.7 (out of 10); a score of 8.1 in overall power; a three-star rating; and was distinguished with consistently high scores for ease of use and learning. From the report: "SQL Server ... has no problem maintaining excellent performance and stability with large numbers of users." The report concluded that "... Microsoft must be recommended over ORACLE for non-Novell networks ... For NetWare networks NSTL recommends both products." Dwayne Walker, director of marketing and business development, corporate and network systems at Microsoft, said "The Software Digest report underscores what customers have been finding with SQL Server on NetWare networks: that SQL Server is the database server of choice running on a number of network servers and connecting to a number of clients. Customers who invested in SQL Server technology can be assured of outstanding performance and the best connectivity across any leading network. Customers can also expect, as witnessed in the release of SQL Server version 4.2 announced today, that our investments in this technology will continue to produce the best database for PC networks." Superior in Performance, Capacity and Price Microsoft SQL Server received consistently high scores on performance. In one of several performance tests involving complex database searches with up to 64 simultaneous users, NSTL said that Microsoft SQL Server "... shows little strain on its resources, processing orders only slightly slower than with 48 users and slowing, as one would expect, in the other components due to increased contention." It should be noted that in the test, Microsoft SQL Server supported 64 users using half the memory required by competing databases employing NetWare Loadable Modules (NLMs). Price is another competitive point in favor of Microsoft SQL Server. At $7,995 for the server and an unlimited number of users, SQL Server costs half what other competitive databases cost. In addition to offering highly competitive performance, capacity and cost, Microsoft SQL Server provides: ù Expanded connectivity to all key client and server systems ù Integrated OS/2 operating system ù Tight integration with the Microsoft Windows operating system ù Enhanced data management ù Network independence ù Centrally enforced integrity and programmability ù Premier development platform and integrated tools ù More than 125 front ends running on SQL Server "We are proud of SQL Server's great Performance reported not only by our customers, but consistently in independent research as well," said Microsoft's Walker. "Microsoft SQL Server 4.2 provides even more advanced features to further integrate large networks. It provides exceptional performance on a variety of networks, including NetWare, and it features even more tightly integrated functionality with the Windows operating system than SQL Server version 1.1." Walker added that because SQL Server runs on a separate computer from the file server, it delivers this high performance without impacting the performance or reliability of other network operations. Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ "MSFT") develops, markets and supports a wide range of software for business and professional use, including operating systems, network products, languages and applications, as well as books, hardware and CDROM products for the microcomputer marketplace. +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | From the America On-Line & PC-Link New Product Info Services | +===============================================================+ | This information was processed with OmniPage Professional OCR | | software (from Caere Corp) & a Canon IX-30 scanner from data | | provided by the above mentioned company. For additional info, | | contact the company at the address or phone# indicated above. | | All submissions for this service should be addressed to | | BAKER ENTERPRISES, 20 Ferro Drive, Sewell, NJ 08080 U.S.A. | +---------------------------------------------------------------+